Since blogs at SBP will be team blogs, a method must be found to organize the posts so that a visitor to the blog can select to read a certain student's posts. I believe I have found a method to do this organization, and that entails the use of a feature called "Labels" in the Blogger posting window.
Notice that there is now a "list" on the left side of this page entitled "Student Writers - Click name to view his posts" When you click on 'dlang' you are brought to a new screen which shows all the posts that this 'student' has published onto the team blog. For this particular post here (which I am publishing under another account), I will be known as framingthelight. This is the 'label' I have assigned to myself and which I will add to all the posts that I publish. This can be done by writing this in the 'Labels' box at the bottom of each post editor.
Each student in a class ought to be 'assigned' a "Label". This label ought to indicate the identity of the student. This will help viewers, and it will also help the teacher to see which posts are published by which student.
You might ask, "Why not just use the Contributors list?" You probably saw that there is a list of Contributors, in a box under the Blog Archive. If you click on those names, you are only brought to the "Profile" of the author, and a list of blogs in which he participates. The postings of that student/author are not linked to this name. (This is an unfortunate missing 'feature' of Blogger).
I will attempt to add another 'student' to this blog, and examine whether my plan for this 'author list' can be implemented. For now, we've found some functionality to this Blogger 'gadget'.
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